A fresh perspective from my NEW potting shed office. |
Fifteen months…let me repeat FIFTEEN MONTHS without an office or even a desk to call my own, and today FINALLY here I sit with furniture, files, a warm fireplace flickering and finishing touches. So it’s only 8’ishX10’ish and it used to be covered in cobwebs and smell like gasoline …it’s all mine. I now have a place to escape to when I have to ask Mom questions like “did you REALLY just sit on your sister and toot?”
Not always Heaven On Earth here…but we continue to try.
So after the whole tooting interrogation, like any good Mom, I ran (albeit just a few steps down our garden path). Now, I sit and I can think.
Since the gentleman who has been making scrambled eggs with my grey matter for just over a year has been kind enough to put his beaters down and replace the lid of my head, I thought I’d celebrate by jotting down my new year’s resolutions:
New Year’s Resolutions
(In no particular order whatsoever)
1. Teach myself how to make GREAT candles; just the right wax, wick, essential oils, container…the whole nine yards.
2. Run an Ultramarathon in the spring.
3. Start piano lessons.
4. Work on my communication skills; annunciation, pronunciation, diction, language…you name it, my mouth has become LAZY.
5. On that same communications note, I must clean up my current well articulated potty-mouth. (sorry Mum!)
6. Continue to GROW Heaven On Earth-Home.
8. Take each of my children on a getaway. (Hopefully enjoying them solo will give us more time for fun and less time for silly questions, as aforementioned above.)
9. Because yoga is not on my schedule between 12AM-5AM, I will make better choices in sleepwear (read “sexier”).
10. Find humor in all of it.
Alrighty then, I have my marching orders. Hopefully that guy replaced my lid TIGHTLY…
Locked and Loaded for 2012.
GL to you on Numbers 1,2,3,4,6,7,and 8. #9 NC and #10 of course we all need humor just to survive the day. For those of you who think that I missed #5, well I saved the best for last; as long as your not despoiling your children with various forms of shi* aka manure I think that a lil potty mouth can still be applied to 1-4, 6-10 🙂
Have a Grand 2012, Margaux. I certainly hope our paths cross long before our HS reunion 😉
Margaux Drake
Anonymous, I like the way you think! Well stated.
The Shade Shop, Inc.
#10 is definitely an umbrella over everything and #4 is a great reason to maintain an old fashion dictionary nearby and use it instead of spell checker (when time allows); because along the way to finding the correct spelling, you discover numerous other words and information (which is also great if you play Scrabble)! Sounds like a busy 2012 for you 🙂