Mothers, Today and Everyday, “You Are An Ironmom!”

Gulf Coast Triathlon May 7, 2011
1/2 Ironman Distance
1.2 M Swim/56 M Bike/13.1M Run
It was the first time my kids ran me across the finish line!

Yesterday as I was competing in the Gulf Coast Triathlon in Panama City, Florida, I had A LOT of thinkin’ time on the bike and the run (no thinking on the swim because mainly I was trying to stay alive!). I realized that I have never done a race that even compares to the pain, fortitude and ENDLESS endurance required to be a Mother….never, not even the Ironman.

Over the years, many Moms have said to me “I could never do an Ironman”. To each I say, “Sister, you already have!”

 Ironman VS Ironmom:

IM: After the race you might have a few sore muscles and blisters. But, the race is over and you can rest.
IMom: The pain we endure during childbirth is inexplicable. Holy Mother of God! And, that is how being a Mom STARTS.

IM: When you head into the transition area (swim to bike, bike to run) you have your very own volunteer who helps you dress, applies your sunscreen, treats your wounds and makes sure you have your food for the next leg.
IMom: All of the above sounds really familiar, because this is what we do for every member of our family, EVERYDAY.

IM: During the race the only person you have to worry about is yourself.
IMom: We don’t have time to worry about ourselves because we are ALWAYS worried about someone ELSE.

IM: While racing, no one wants anything from you while you are on the course.
IMom: We get interrupted, bothered and begged 24/7, even while on the toilet.

IM: While on the course, kind people hand you food, water, suntan lotion, and other nice amenities like cold sponges to make sure your day is comfortable.
IMom: We don’t even have time to eat. Forget about all that other stuff.

IM: Traffic is stopped for you the whole day.
IMom: Traffic works against us all day, everyday…more so if we are in a hurry.

IM: There is actually a finish line and a medal is placed around your neck when you cross it.
IMom: A finish line? A medal? HA!

IM: At the finish line there is this guy who says over the loud speaker in a from-the-heavens-Godlike-way “Margaux Drake…You Are An Ironman”.
IMom: To all my sisters out there who have have been blessed to bear the pain of birth, lead your babies with fortitude and continue to love and care for them each day and night with ENDLESS endurance, today on Mothers Day and EVERYDAY…



  1. The Shade Shop, Inc.

    May 28, 2011

    How did I miss this wonderful post! Hats off to all the “ironmoms” out there!