“The Giving Gardens is the perfect title for the perfect non-profit: An organization that pays it forward by giving, growing, nurturing and sharing. Through the creativity and energy of Margaux Drake, The Giving Gardens plants seeds of selflessness in others and for others, and reaps a bountiful harvest of love.”–Governor Jennifer Granholm, State of Michigan

Clockwise: First Gentleman Dan Mulhern; Governor Jennifer Granholm; Homeowner, Kenyotta Lewis; Me; Habitat for Humanity- Detroit Executive Director, Vincent Tilford; Site Director, Christine Bitonti and her daughter in front of the Habitat home Michigan’s First Family built and landscaped. Plant material donated by The Giving Gardens and the First Gentleman’s mother, Maria Mulhern.
*Governor Granholm’s staff affectionately calls her “The G”. I thought that was cool, so The G it is.
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