Moms of the world, what if you were told by your doctor that your child would never be able to stand, walk, feed themselves or use a toilet? The Conductive Learning Center (CLC) likes to teach kids with motor disorders to prove those doctors WRONG! Laila Hamstra (above), did just that. After only her second four-week session at CLC she is standing, taking steps, starting to feed herself and using the potty. Inspired? We were.
That is why yesterday, my husband, Steve, and I ran a DOUBLE 5/3 River Bank Run 50K (31M) to raise money for a scholarship fund so that more outstanding kids like Laila and Sarah (below) can attend CLC. And, their moms can see their kids smile with pride and accomplishment when they take their first steps. Sarah, who has been in conductive education for nine years, walked 1/2 mile in yesterday’s race.
It was tough, but worth every step.
We ran so that kids can learn to walk.
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Sarah McCabe, an honor student at Forest Hills Northern in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and her mom, Kathryn, excitedly greeted us as we finished. |
“We Can Do This”
Need inspiration to get out and move?
Watch the determined CLC kids in this video,
then lace up and GO!
(1 min. 40 sec.)
(1 min. 40 sec.)
From one mother to another,
Happy Mother’s Day!!!
*Thank you to Terry Stelter, executive director of CLC,
and Angela Korte, assistant director of CLC,
for all of their logistical and moral support.
We couldn’t have done it without you both.
*To Donate:
Please send a tax deductible donation made out to
Conductive Learning Center
Send To:
Margaux Drake
2153 Wealthy Street, SE #188
Grand Rapids, MI 49506
Amy Pottenger
Congratulations!!! You guys are seriously awesome & inspiring, what a worthy cause. And you’d be proud to know I ran my first 10k at the Riverbank, Margaux! (and remember I ran my first 5k because of you!) Working up to half marathon. 🙂 Happy Mother’s Day!
This is such a beautiful post! You guys have heart!!! There are no words to thank you for all you did for these and so many more kids. Happy Mother’s Day to you.
Thank you Team Drake! You inspire me to keep running. I ran my first 5k ever as CLC’s honorary Road Warrior. You guys are the true Road Warriors and my heroes! Allison
Margaux Drake
Amy, I’m SO PROUD of you! YOU GO GIRL!!!
Margaux Drake
Allison, thank you and keep the MO!!!
Margaux Drake
Terry, it was truly our pleasure. Having Laila and Sarah at the finish line was “thank you” enough. They got us through the last 6 miles:) XO M
The Hamstras
Thank you for everything! What an honor and an inspiration to be there and watch you finish with your girls!!
Margaux Drake
Angie, your picture texts of Laila waiting for us to finish REALLY kept us going the last 6 miles:) We both feel very fortunate that we’ve had a chance to connect with your family! XO