Happy Mother’s Day!

Mothers Day 2016-Margaux Drake


Kids and/or pets? HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!

Today is THE DAY to be in the MOMent with your little ones. You’ve EARNED it. Being a MOM will be your BIGGEST CHALLENGE and your GREATEST ACCOMPLISHMENT. Being PRESENT with your little ones is the BEST GIFT.

All I ever ask on Mother’s Day is that we GARDEN together, all FIVE of us (Chester and Wesley get a pass). No complaining. Just being outside, planting GOOD SEEDS, soaking up the rays and listening to laid back beach music. Being PRESENT. It makes me HAPPY. So, that’s where you’ll find us today, in the garden…kitchen garden to be exact.

I hope your MOTHER’S DAY is spent with your kiddies, EXACTLY how you’d like it, BASKING in the GLOW of MOTHERHOOD. xo M&Co.