
  1. Getting Raw at Gilda’s Club: “The Basics”

    This week my daughter and trusty sous-chef, Ellie, and I had the honor of teaching a raw, plant-based cuisine workshop, “The Basics”, to eager Gilda’s Club members and staff. What...
  2. Raw For 30 Days 26/30: Rawk the Guac in 1,2,3

    Rawkin’ Guac Raw For 30 Days Update: I’ve achieved detox nirvana. My grey hairs (and I only have a few, mind you;) are turning BROWN again! Yep, brown at the roots, not...
  3. Raw For 30 Days 2/30: Down & Dirty Flax Crax

    Raw Care Package For Emily:Flax Crax (on right), Basic Seed Cheese, Lentil Sprouts, Red Clover Sprouts,Swiss Chard, Kale, Mixed Herbs & Edible Flowers Update: Feeling GREAT and Lost 3 pounds!...
  4. Seed Cheese Trio on WOOD TV8

    Seed cheese is a great tasting plant-based alternative to any type of cheese spread or traditional hummus. The basic recipe is very simple. Then the base ingredients can be flavored...