1. Keep the Home Fires Burning…

    …outside of your home, of course! If spring cleaning of the garden includes removing winter greens from containers and window boxes, don’t toss them to the curb, put them to good use. They make great bonfire starters! Okay, I know last year I wrote about setting ornamental grasses ablaze in...
  2. Two Green Thumbs Up From The G

    “The Giving Gardens is the perfect title for the perfect non-profit: An organization that pays it forward by giving, growing, nurturing and sharing. Through the creativity and energy of Margaux Drake, The Giving Gardens plants seeds of selflessness in others and for others, and reaps a bountiful harvest of love.”–Governor...
  3. The Gift of Gardening

    The holiday season is upon us, and what do you give that person that has everything? The answer can be as simple as time or help. This fall, a good friend of ours celebrated a milestone birthday. And, this friend has at least two or three of EVERYTHING! Just to...