In Memory of a Fellow Gardener

In Memory of a Fellow Gardener
Gregory A. Peters, M.D. passed away on Friday.
Greg was our next door neighbor and also an avid gardener.
After learning of his passing just this morning,
I grabbed the phone to call a florist,
then happened to glance out the window
at his beautiful garden in full bloom.
I decided that bringing Greg some of HIS flowers
would be a much more meaningful and fitting farewell for him.

All of these blooms are from Greg’s garden
and were delivered to him for his visitation today.

A small representation of what he created during his lifetime.

A reminder to us all that
the only thing we can leave behind are the seeds that we sow.

We will miss you, Greg.


  1. UrbanChiqueNess

    July 25, 2012

    Made me.cry. You are such a caring and sweet friend. Xo

  2. Unknown

    July 26, 2012

    A beautiful arrangement and a beautiful thought. Thanks for sharing!