1. What’s HOT & What’s NOT for 2012

    Goodbye Dining Out, Hello Dining IN! As our family moves into our fourth year of this “Non-Recession” Recession, we definitely have a New Normal around our house. Although I’m reminded daily by my three lovely children that our house is “NOT NORMAL, MOM!”, Here is What’s HOT & What’s NOT for 2012 at Casa...
  2. A Neighborhood Holiday Tea: The Celebration!

    Happy Holidays!Guests were welcomed at the door with a champagne flute of Veuve-Clicquot. You’ve read about The Invitation, The Preparation and The Decoration, now finally… The Celebration! Food, Guests and Fun!!! Tea Party Desserts(vegan, gluten-Free & homemade) (back left to front right)On our dining room table were;three different types of cookies, an assortment of raw...
  3. One Dough, Three Different Types of Cookies (V/GF)

    One Dough, Three Different Types of Cookies Peanut Butter, Chocolate Chip & White Chocolate Chip Macadamia Nut Cookies (Vegan & Gluten-Free) Emily Richett, Feature Reporter, for FOX-17 joined me in my kitchen this week to whip up three different types of cookies for the holidays. This basic dough is very quick, easy...
  4. The Attitude of Gratitude Lives On…

    Via Twitter last night: We are deeply saddened to announce the closure/sale of all NorCal Cafe Gratitude and Gracias Madre locations. cafegratitude.info/component/cont… Great sadness, indeed! One of my all time favorite restaurants is being forced to close its doors. I do not know why, only time will tell. For now, let’s focus on...