1. mTip: Easy Tip For Even Cooking

    Whether you’re cooking, sautéing or roasting, a common sense but sometimes overlooked rule of thumb is to chop all of your fruits and vegetables approximately the same size to ensure that they all cook evenly in the same amount of time. That way when you are eating something like a...
  2. mTip: How To Open A Stubborn Jar

    Work smarter not harder. Here’s how to open a stubborn jar lid using more brains than brawn. Take the back of a heavy chef’s knife and give the side of the jar a tap in the direction that you want the lid to go. Instead of distributing your force evenly...
  3. mTip: How to Separate an Egg

    In home-ec class, I was taught the craziest way to separate the egg yoke from the whites, by cracking the egg into the palm of my hand and letting the whites run through my fingers. Let’s keep it simple and a heck of a lot less messy! It doesn’t have to...
  4. mTip: Potted herb gifts

    A gift that keeps on giving and is FREE, yes please! Pot up herbs from your garden and give them as gifts during the holidays or any time of the year the ground isn’t frozen, if you live in the north. Herbs like thyme, oregano, mint and lemon balm like to make lots...