
  1. Raw For 30 Days 5/30: Happy Fall Y’All!

    Update: Five days of eating only raw plant-based food and feeling good! A general sense of calmness has kicked in, I’m 4.5 pounds lighter and my “you-can’t-fool-me” jeans are not quite as tight...
  2. FREE FOOD!!! 11 Ways

    Purslane & PansyEdible “Weed” & Edible Flower Throughout last week the Grand Rapids Press and The Rapidian ran the story Hunger Challenge chronicling two ambitious young writers, Jacqueline Prins and Samantha Dine, who agreed to eat for...
  3. Taking Time to Stop and Count the Butterflies

    Karner Blue Butterfly Feeding on Horsemint Fortunately I have friends like Deb who volunteer me for things like driving two hours away to count butterflies in the middle of a forest on a...
  4. mTiP: Flour Power!

    Use flour from the grocery store to mark lines when forming new garden beds.It’s inexpensive, readily available and nontoxic.Any residue will dissolve with water. Kitchen garden “Before”Design drawn with flour.  Kitchen...