
  1. Say YES to Ancient Grains on WOTV 4 Women

    Say YES to Ancient Grainson WOTV 4 Women A wide selection of ancient grains is availableat D&W Fresh Market Names like quinoa and millet may be new to you, but if...
  2. Cliantro Lime Rice for WOTV 4 Women

    Cilantro Lime Ricefor WOTV 4 Women Peas and carrots, Popeye and Olive Oyl, chili and rice, some things are just made for each other! This recipe paired with my mexicali...
  3. Simple Garden-Fresh Bruschetta on WOTV 4 Women

    Simple Garden-Fresh Bruschettaon WOTV 4 Women Need quick eats for a relaxed summer’s evening? Capture the flavors of the season with a fresh summertime classic, bruschetta. These open-faced sandwiches can...