
  1. Get JUICED for 2014 with the Crew from WOTV 4 Women

    We've made it though our 2013 wrap up meetings, the new year planning meetings, the second or was this last one the third polar vortex (I've lost count due to brain freeze) and multiple school closings. Oh, the joy of a snow day. When it's four or five in one month, well that's a different story. A women's work is never done. We POWER through.
  2. From my Christmas Kitchen: Banana Nut Muffins for WOTV 4 Women (v/gf)

    Baking is one of my favorite things to do on Christmas morning. Our home is calm and quiet. I'm not rushed. Everyone is happily playing with their new gifts while the fire crackles. Christmas music plays and I am at peace in the kitchen to create. The muffins I made today are one of my all-time favorites, banana nut. They're great any time of year, and using fresh banana instead of butter makes it a lower fat version without sacrificing flavor.
  3. WOTV 4 Women’s Cookie Exchange: My Thin Mints (v/gf)

    Join the WOTV 4 Women Crew for the Holiday Cookie Swap! We are sharing our favorite holiday baking recipes including this festive holiday treat that your friends and family will love from yours truly. These cookies are perfect for kids to make with adult supervision of course.