28-Day Detox 2/28: So Dang Proud of My Peeps! And, More Eats!!!
Steve’s and My Breakfast:(V/GF/R)Gimme Green Pure Energy Super Smoothie(with a heavy hit of ginger)Served with a FAT Glass Straw It’s day two of our 28-Day Detox and my peeps are... -
Meet Ellie on Maranda WOTV 4 Women: One of the Youngest Certified Raw Food Chefs
Ellie Drake One of the youngest certified raw food chefs in the country. Ellie Drake discovered her passion at an early age, teaching others about the benefits of a... -
28-Day Detox 1/28: What’s for Dinner?
My Raw Dinner: In Greens We Trust Raw Soup Drizzled with Balsamic Vinaigrette Topped with Red Clover Sprouts and Flax Crax It’s day one of the 28-Day Detox that I am... -
Save Money by Saving Your Bananas & Learn to Make Banana Ice Cream!
Save Money by Saving Your Bananas and Learn to Make Banana Ice Cream! Bananas are Mother Nature’s perfect pre-packaged fruit! However, sometimes we don’t use our bananas as quickly as... -
Kids in the Kitchen: Cashew Ranch Dressing (V/GF/R)
Kids in the Kitchen: Cashew Ranch Dressing (V/GF/R) Getting your children involved in the kitchen not only teaches them about whole foods, it can make your job easier as well! Two ways... -
Get RAW with Maranda & Ellie this Saturday on WOOD TV8 & WOTV 4 Women!
Maranda interviews Ellie for her show, “Maranda Where You Live” Ellie Drake just may be the youngest certified raw food chef in the country! Now, she is a teenager but...
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