1. Stay Hydrated with Infused Water on eightWest WOOD TV-8

    Red, White and Blueberry Infused Water Howdy and thanks for visiting HeavenOnEarth-Home.com this morning! I’m shooting a segment on infused water with Rachael Ruiz and Terri DeBoer for eightWest WOOD TV-8 today, airing at 11AM. But if you miss it LIVE, no worries, I’ll have it posted here tonight. You will...
  2. Strawberry Insurance

    Freshly Picked Organic Heirloom Strawberrieswith Rawkin’ Whip Cream(V/GF/R) It’s no fun when you have done all the work to plant a bountiful strawberry patch only to discover that there are no strawberries left for you and your family to enjoy because critters got to them before you did. Proper planning...