Love Potion (v/gf/r)

Love Potion

If you followed my travels south for spring break, you may have seen this juice in one of my road trip juicing shots. Now that my Juice Feast in a Blender class is over, I’m finally able to share the recipe with y’all…

Love Potion
Makes 2-4 cups
1-2″ Ginger root
1 Beet, medium sized
2 C Dark leafy greens (kale, chard, beet, greens spinach, etc…)
2 Green apples
1 Lime, with or without peel
1/4 C Sprouts
Reusable produce bag
Run all ingredients through a juicer then stir juice and enjoy. Or, place all ingredients in a blender with 1-2 C of purified water and blend throughly. Pour through a reusable produce bag, and squeeze gently to separate the pulp from the juice.
All of the above ingredients including the reusable produce bags available at D&W Fresh Market.
Five year old twins with beet juice mustaches
after drinking “Love Potion” at
my Juice Feast in a Blender class at D&W Fresh Market.
They LOVED it!


  1. Lauren Linn

    April 28, 2013

    That looks really good!