1. mTip: Thinking outside the (flower) box for inside floral arrangements

    Don’t let flowers have ALL the funwhen it comes to interior floral arrangements.Think about grasses, foliage and seed pods too. Pictured here in my friend’s gorgeous Heaven On Earth-Home are;ornamental grass stalks (miscanthus giganteus) from our “green fence”,the seed pods of the red ursa kale (brassica napus) from our kitchen gardenand a...
  2. Detoxify by drinking your greens

    Detoxify by drinking your greensLean, Green and Juicy Indulge a bit too much this past holiday weekend in food and drink that was not so healthy? If so, now you might be feeling tired, run down or even sick. Green juice to the rescue! Drinking dark leafy greens alkalizes the...
  3. Friday’s Fabulous Find: A tisket a tasket EVERYONE needs a Peterboro picnic basket!

    Friday’s Fabulous Find:A tisket a tasket EVERYONE needs a Peterboro picnic basket!Peterboro’s Ice Master  I’ve been meaning to start a “Friday’s Fabulous Find” post for a while because there are so many great products and resources that I have collected over the years and I have been dying to share...
  4. Photos: Memorial day picnic ideas

    Photos: Memorial day picnic ideasPhoto credit: Sunset.com Savor the beginning of summer by dining alfresco. From an impromptu picnic just outside the front door, to an elaborate affair in an enchanted garden, by bike or vintage automobile, hopefully this photo gallery will inspire you! Click on the link below for eleven inspirational...