
  1. Athletes, Fuel up on California Loaded Toast!

    Breakfast of Champions:California Loaded Toast(V/GF) While we are not exactly “champions”, my husband, Steve, and I have been endurance athletes (marathoners, ultra-marathoners and Ironman triathletes) for over eighteen years. This...
  2. 28-Day Detox 3/28: Teddy’s Happy Guacamole

    Margaux’s Dinner: (V/GF/R) “Happy Guac, Happy Tummy” Made and Spontaneously Named by Teddy, age 10.She served this up as Steve and I walked in the door from a 16 mile run. Bless...
  3. A Neighborhood Holiday Tea: The Celebration!

    Happy Holidays!Guests were welcomed at the door with a champagne flute of Veuve-Clicquot. You’ve read about The Invitation, The Preparation and The Decoration, now finally… The Celebration! Food, Guests and Fun!!! Tea Party Desserts(vegan, gluten-Free...