1. mTip: Trees Need Water too!

    Trees need water too!Perennials at eye-level scream for our attention as they droop and yellow due to shallow root systems,heat stress and lack of water,making us feel like bad, bad plant-parents.Before you devote all your gardening time to the little guys in your yards,don’t forget to look up to the BIG boys...
  2. mTip: Sprouts IN or ON Everything!

    Sprouts IN or ON Everything!Since you can grow these little enzyme-rich, nutrient-dense powerhouses right in the kitchen, they can ALWAYS be on hand. Adopt a healthy new rule: Sprouts IN or ON everything! Toss a few into your blender, food processor or top your dish with sprouts as a garnish....
  3. mTip: Perennial Time and Cost Savings for Your Outdoor Containers

    $19.99Dividing garden perennials and using them in outdoor containerssaves TIME and MONEY!No more running from garden center to garden centerfinding and paying for ALL new annuls each spring.Assess your current perennial garden inventory, divide and arrange.In the fall, remove the perennials from your decorative containers,pot them individually and heel them into the ground for winter.In the spring, use...
  4. mTip: Plant Clippings to Floral Arrangements in Minutes

    mTip:Plant Clippings to Floral Arrangements in MinutesA manicured garden needs consistent attention.A snip here, a snip there just to keep everything in its place.However, don’t toss ALL of those clippings in the compost!Some of them might look fab in your floral arrangements.Bring a bucket of water outsideand keep any good stems hydrated...
  5. mTip: Thinking outside the (flower) box for inside floral arrangements

    Don’t let flowers have ALL the funwhen it comes to interior floral arrangements.Think about grasses, foliage and seed pods too. Pictured here in my friend’s gorgeous Heaven On Earth-Home are;ornamental grass stalks (miscanthus giganteus) from our “green fence”,the seed pods of the red ursa kale (brassica napus) from our kitchen gardenand a...