1. mTip: Going Bananas?

    Bananas, past their aesthetic prime,completely edible if you’re NOT a kid.  Going…going…freeze ’em before they’re gone! From toddlers to teenagers, kids seem to have this uncanny ability spot an over-ripe banana with laser precision accuracy. Then, of course, refuse to have anything to do with it. Because, well…”brown spots”. “Not gonna eat...
  2. FREE FOOD!!! 11 Ways

    Purslane & PansyEdible “Weed” & Edible Flower Throughout last week the Grand Rapids Press and The Rapidian ran the story Hunger Challenge chronicling two ambitious young writers, Jacqueline Prins and Samantha Dine, who agreed to eat for a week on a budget of $30.59 each. This is approximately “what a person on food stamps would have to...