1. Cool Down with a Summer Fave: DIY Popsicles

    ROCK some homemade POPs! As Mother Nature turns up the heat, cool down with an ol’ fashioned summertime fave, homemade popsicles! Click on the video player below for a 30 second segment on DIY popsicles: 1. Grab a mold: Before rushing out to buy commercial popsicle molds, get creative and...
  2. mTip: Thinking outside the (flower) box for inside floral arrangements

    Don’t let flowers have ALL the funwhen it comes to interior floral arrangements.Think about grasses, foliage and seed pods too. Pictured here in my friend’s gorgeous Heaven On Earth-Home are;ornamental grass stalks (miscanthus giganteus) from our “green fence”,the seed pods of the red ursa kale (brassica napus) from our kitchen gardenand a...